This patch release of Mirror Magic contains the following bug fixes and
- added editor option to (not) rotate gray ball content
- fixed oversized envelope text gadgets in the level editor
- fixed initializing gray ball content elements
- fixed redraw bug after closing text envelope
- fixed bug with gray ball creating wrong game elements
- fixed custom explosion graphics for bomb and McDuffin
- fixed bug that could freeze the game
The new release is available from the
Mirror Magic page!
This patch release contains the following bug fixes and corrections:
- added truncating text area gadgets that do not fit to the editor screen
- added editor option to (not) rotate gray ball content for Mirror Magic engine
- added support for clickable stacked global animations
- fixed restart of global animations when restarting the game
- fixed initializing gray ball content elements in Mirror Magic engine
- fixed bug with displaying unneeded scrollbar gadgets on info sub-screens
- fixed redraw bug after closing text envelope in Mirror Magic engine
- fixed bug with gray ball creating wrong game elements in Mirror Magic engine
- fixed custom explosion graphics for bomb and McDuffin for Mirror Magic engine
- fixed bug that could freeze the game in the Mirror Magic engine
The new release is available from the
download page!
This new minor release version of Mirror Magic mainly contains the following
- improved graphics engine to support more custom graphics definitions
- added animations for the bomb and mine game elements in active state
- added customizability of content for the gray ball game element
- added new text envelope game elements to show messages in the game
- fixed a lot of bugs and problems in the game and graphics engine
The new version is available on the Mirror Magic page!
This is a minor release version which contains the following changes:
- improved Mirror Magic graphics engine to support more custom graphics
- added new animations for some game elements in Mirror Magic game engine
- added customizability of gray ball content for Mirror Magic game engine
- added support for text envelope elements for the Mirror Magic game engine
- added support for “stacked” global animations
- fixed a lot of bugs and problems in the Mirror Magic game engine
- fixed bug with broken graphics when pushing elements into explosions
- fixed potential crash bug when running in headless mode
- fixed regression bug with growing steel wall turning into normal wall
- fixed bug with not scaling images despite using option “.scale_up_factor”
- changed logging to write to one single log file “rocksndiamonds.log”
Get the new version from the download page!
This new minor release version of Mirror Magic mainly contains the following
additions and changes:
- high score server support – see all your scores and those of others
- multiple player names – separate scores and progress for each familiy member
- improved graphics with Amiga-style color-cycling graphic animations
- includes original title screen and title music
- includes original title story from 1989, accessible from main menu
- the game is also available to be played directly in the web browser now
The new game version is available on the Mirror Magic page!
And again, happy christmas holidays with lots of snow! :-)